How to create modules in Drupal?
Drupal module means an extension that can be used to extend the core functionality. There are a lot of contributed modules available in Most of the time, our requirements are satisfied with those contributed modules. But sometimes we have to create our own custom modules.
Here I am explaining how to create a custom module. This blog is based on the Drupal 10 version.
There are three ways to create modules.
1. Manually
If you are new in Drupal development please use this method to create modules.
- Create a folder under your-project-folder/web/modules/custom directory Eg: refactor
- Add your-project-folder/web/modules/custom/refactor/ file
- Add necessary informations on file
name: Refactor
type: module
description: 'Providing custom project handlers.'
package: Custom
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
key provides text name of module which is displayed in admin module listing page.
is the brief of the module.
key value should be ‘module’
key specifies that this module is compatible with versions mentioned here. The Core_version_requirement requirement only works with 8.7.7 or greater. If your moule need to work with lower version then you have to use core
key ie, core: 8.x
key can be used to group the modules in admin module module listing page. This is not a required key. But it would be nice to place your module under a package.
On the above name
, type
, core_version_requirement
or core
are required key. The others are optional.
List of other key can be used in .info.yml file
-: This key is used to add the list of dependent modules.
Eg: dependencies:
- drupal:file
-: Same like Dependencies, but it is used to add list of test dependency modules.
configure: refactor.settings
This is used to specify module configuration file. You can add refactor.settings.yml file under refactor/config directory. It is not required to mention configure key in .info.yml file
8.2 This key is used to specify the minimum PHP version required to run this module.
hidden: true
If you want to hide the module from admin module listing
required: true
If you don’t want to remove the module once installed.
There are some other keys which will be added automatically when we submit this module to
.info.yml file the only file required to install the module. But I would recommend to add .module ie your-project-folder/web/modules/custom/refactor/refactor.module file to keep it standard.
2. Using Drush
Drush is a command line tool for drupal development.You can install drush via composer require --dev drush/drush
Run the below code after installing drush
vendor/bin/drush generate module
This will ask a lot of options like below.
Welcome to module generator!
Module name [Web]:
Module machine name [test]:
Module description [Provides additional functionality for the site.]:
Providing custom project handlers.
Package [Custom]:
Dependencies (comma separated):
Would you like to create module file? [No]:
Would you like to create install file? [No]:
Would you like to create libraries.yml file? [No]:
Would you like to create permissions.yml file? [No]:
Would you like to create event subscriber? [No]:
Would you like to create block plugin? [No]:
Would you like to create a controller? [No]:
Would you like to create settings form? [No]:
That’s it. Drush will create a module under the web/custom folder automatically.
3. Using Drupal console
Drupal console is another command line tool for drupal which is inspired by symfony console.
You can install Drupal console via
composer require drupal/console:~1.0 \
–prefer-dist \
–optimize-autoloader \
–sort-packages \
Run the below code after installing Drupal console
vendor/bin/drupal generate:module
This will ask the following options
// Welcome to the Drupal module generator
Enter the new module name:
Enter the module machine name [refactor]:
Enter the module Path [modules/custom]:
Enter module description [My Awesome Module]:
Providing custom project handlers.
Enter package name [Custom]:
Enter Drupal Core version [8.x]:
Do you want to generate a .module file? (yes/no) [yes]:
Define module as feature (yes/no) [no]:
Do you want to add a composer.json file to your module? (yes/no) [yes]:
Would you like to add module dependencies? (yes/no) [no]:
Do you want to generate a unit test class? (yes/no) [yes]:
Do you want to generate a themeable template? (yes/no) [yes]:
Do you want proceed with the operation? (yes/no) [yes]:
That’s it. Console will create a module under the web/custom folder automatically.
This is just a basic example of how to create a module. You can add functionalities based on your requirements.